Ferrosilicon manufacturer tells you about the dosage and usage of ferrosilicon

The ferrosilicon provided by ferrosilicon manufacturers can be divided into ferrosilicon blocks, ferrosilicon particles and ferrosilicon powder, which can be divided into different brands according to different content ratios. When users apply ferrosilicon, they can purchase suitable ferrosilicon according to actual needs. However, no matter what ferrosilicon is purchased, when making steel, ferrosilicon must be used correctly for the quality of the steel. Next, the ferrosilicon manufacturer will tell you about the dosage and usage of ferrosilicon.

Dosage of ferrosilicon: Ferrosilicon is an alloy whose main components are silicon and iron. The silicon content is generally above 70%. The amount of ferrosilicon used depends on the specific requirements and requirements of steelmaking. Generally speaking, the amount used in steelmaking is very small, usually ranging from tens to hundreds of kilograms per ton of steel.



Usage of ferrosilicon: Ferrosilicon is mainly used to adjust the silicon content in molten steel and as a deoxidizer. During the steelmaking process, ferrosilicon can react with oxygen in the molten steel to produce silica, thereby deoxidizing, reducing the oxygen content in the molten steel, and improving the purity of the molten steel. At the same time, the silicon element in ferrosilicon can also alloy molten steel and improve the performance of the steel.

In fact, the dosage and usage of ferrosilicon during steelmaking are not fixed and can be adjusted appropriately according to actual conditions. The main reason for adding ferrosilicon in the steelmaking process is that ferrosilicon can adjust the alloy composition and deoxidize.

Post time: Jul-23-2024