Introduction to basic knowledge of ferrosilicon

Scientific name (alias): Ferrosilicon is also called ferrosilicon.

Ferrosilicon model: 65#, 72#, 75#

Ferrosilicon 75# – (1) National standard 75# refers to actual silicon 72%; (2) Hard 75 ferrosilicon refers to actual silicon 75%; Ferrosilicon 65# refers to silicon content above 65%; Low aluminum ferrosilicon: Usually refers to the aluminum content in ferrosilicon being less than 1.0. According to different requirements of customers, it can reach 0.5, 0.2, 0.1 or less, etc.

Condition: Natural block, thickness is about 100mm. (Whether there are cracks in the appearance, whether the color fades when touched by hand, whether the knocking sound is crisp, thickness, cross-section, off-white with pores)


Packaging: bulk or ton bag packaging.

Main producing areas: Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan and Henan

Note: Ferrosilicon is afraid of moisture. Natural blocks are easily pulverized when exposed to water, and the silicon content decreases accordingly.

Post time: Jul-19-2024