The role of nodulizer in the production of ductile iron, how to use it accurately

Function of Nodularizing Agent and Nodularizing Elements in Ductile Iron Production
Content guide: Although there are many types of nodulizers at home and abroad, rare earth magnesium alloys are currently used most in our country. Now we mainly discuss the role of this type of alloy and its nodulizer elements.
The role of spheroidizing elements
The so-called spheroidizing elements refer to those elements that can promote the spheroidization of graphite, generate or increase graphite spheroids. Spheroidized elements generally have the following common properties: (1) There are one or two valence electrons on the outer electron shell of the element, and 8 electrons on the second inner shell. This electronic structure makes the element have a strong affinity with sulfur, oxygen and carbon, which reflects the stability of the product and can significantly reduce the sulfur and oxygen in the water. (2) The solubility of elements in molten iron is low, and there is a significant tendency to segregate during solidification. (3) Although it has a certain affinity with carbon, its solubility in graphite lattice is low. According to the above characteristics, Mg, Ce, Y, and Ca are effective spheroidizing elements.

Configuration of spheroidizing elements and types of spheroidizing agents
Magnesium, rare earth and calcium are currently recognized as having the ability to promote graphite spheroidization, but how to prepare and use them in combination with the actual industrial production, not only the spheroidizing ability of the nodulizer, but also easy preparation in production, economical raw materials, Ease of use has become the principle of formulating and using nodulizers.


Post time: Jul-10-2023