What are the application fields of ferrosilicon powder?

Ferrosilicon is an iron alloy composed of silicon and iron, and ferrosilicon powder is obtained by grinding ferrosilicon alloy into powder. So in what fields can ferrosilicon powder be used? The following ferrosilicon powder suppliers will take you through:

1. Application in the cast iron industry: Ferrosilicon powder can be used as an inoculant and nodularizing agent in cast iron. Ferrosilicon powder can effectively improve the performance and earthquake resistance of cast iron, and can greatly improve the mechanical properties of ductile iron.

2. Application in the ferroalloy industry: Ferrosilicon powder can be used as a reducing agent in the production of ferroalloys. The silicon element inside it has an affinity with oxygen. At the same time, the carbon content of ferrosilicon powder is relatively low when producing low-carbon ferroalloys in the ferroalloy industry. A commonly used reducing agent.

3.Application in magnesium smelting products: During the magnesium smelting process, ferrosilicon powder can effectively precipitate magnesium element. To produce one ton of metallic magnesium, about 1.2 tons of ferrosilicon are consumed, which plays a great role in the production of metallic magnesium. .


Post time: Jun-28-2024