What is a carburant?

There are many kinds of carburizers, including coal, natural graphite, artificial graphite, coke and other carbonaceous materials. The physical indicators for investigating and measuring carburizers are mainly melting point, melting speed, and ignition point. The main chemical indicators are Carbon content, sulfur content, nitrogen content, and hydrogen content. Sulfur and hydrogen are harmful elements. Within a certain range, nitrogen is a suitable element. In the production of synthetic cast iron, the carburizer with better quality is said The most important is the graphitized recarburizer, because under high temperature conditions, the carbon atoms are arranged in the microscopic form of graphite, so it is called graphitization. Carburizers can greatly increase the amount of scrap steel used in casting, and realize the use of less or no pig iron.
Carburizer function:
Carburizer is an important raw material for melting molten iron in an induction furnace, and its quality and usage directly affect the quality of molten iron. Castings have certain requirements for carbon, so carburizers are used to increase the carbon content in molten iron. The commonly used furnace materials in smelting are pig iron, scrap steel, and recycled materials. Although the carbon content of pig iron is high, the cost is relatively higher than that of scrap steel. Therefore, the use of recarburizer can increase the amount of scrap steel and reduce the amount of pig iron, so as to reduce the cost of castings.
Classification of carburizers:
Graphite recarburizer refers to the change of the molecular structure of carbon products through high temperature or other methods, and there is a regular arrangement. In this molecular arrangement, the molecular distance of carbon is wider, which is more conducive to decomposition and formation in molten iron or steel. nuclear. The graphite recarburizers currently on the market generally come from two ways, one is the waste cutting of graphite electrodes, and the other is the graphitization product of petroleum coke at 3000 degrees.
Graphitized recarburizer
Coal-based carburizer is a product that is calcined under high temperature conditions using anthracite as raw material. It has the characteristics of high fixed carbon content, strong oxidation resistance and low content of harmful elements. It can be used as a reducing agent in the smelting process. During the steelmaking process of the arc furnace, coke or anthracite can be added as the carburizer when charging.
Coal carburizer

Post time: May-08-2023