What is ferrosilicon?

Ferrosilicon is a ferroalloy composed of iron and silicon. Ferrosilicon is an iron-silicon alloy made by smelting coke, steel shavings, and quartz (or silica) in an electric furnace. Since silicon and oxygen are easily combined into silicon dioxide, ferrosilicon is often used as a deoxidizer in steelmaking. At the same time, because SiO2 generates a lot of heat, it is also beneficial to increase the temperature of molten steel during deoxidation. At the same time, ferrosilicon can also be used as an alloying element additive, and is widely used in low alloy structural steel, spring steel, bearing steel, heat-resistant steel and electrical silicon steel. Ferrosilicon is often used as a reducing agent in ferroalloy production and chemical industry.


Ferroalloy composed of iron and silicon (using silica, steel, and coke as raw materials, silicon that has been reduced at a high temperature of 1500-1800 degrees is melted in molten iron to form a ferrosilicon alloy). It is an important alloy variety in the smelting industry.


Product description
(1) Used as deoxidizer and alloying agents in the steel industry. In order to obtain qualified chemical composition and guarantee the quality of steel, in the last stage of the steel must be deoxi- dized. The chemical affinity between silicon and oxygen is very large,Thus ferrosilicon is strong deoxi- dizer used in sedimentation and diffusion deoxidation of steel-making. Add a certain amount of silicon in the steel, can significantly improve the strength, hardness and elasticity of steel.

(2) Used as a nucleating agent and spheroidizing agent in the iron industry. Cast iron is a kind of important modern industrial metal materials,It is much cheaper than steel, easily to melt refining, with excellent casting performance and seismic capacity is much better than steel. Especially the nodular cast iron,Its mechanical properties at or near the mechanical properties of steel. Add a certain amount of silicon in cast iron can prevent iron in formation, promote the precipitation of graphite and carbide spheroidizing. Thus in nodular iron production, ferrosilicon is a kind of important inoculants ( Help separate out graphite)and spheroidizing agent.

Item% Si Fe Ca P S C AI
FeSi75 75 21.5 little 0.025 0.025 0.2 1.5
FeSi65 65 24.5 little 0.025 0.025 0.2 2.0
FeSi60 60 24.5 little 0.025 0.025 0.25 2.0
FeSi55 55 26 little 0.03 0.03 0.4 3.0
FeSi45 45 52 little 0.03 0.03 0.4 3.0

Post time: Apr-11-2023